Monday, August 25, 2008


Its been 11 years since I woke up at 8am and walked into the kitchen and mom was pacing, and dad wasnt home. I couldnt figure out why. I sat down at the bar in the kitchen and mom said to me, " your grandmother died last night". of course i began to cry, and my mom tired to comfort me. i asked where my dad was, she told me he was with his brother and my grandfather making the arrangements. My grandfather had called at around 3am to tell us and i ever heard the phone ring. I kicked myself for not hearing it. My grandmother was 72 years old. She had 2 sons, my dad in 1948 and his brother in 1965. 2 grandchildren me in 1979 and my cousin Tyler in 1996. I know she died in her sleep, I dont know if there were any contributing factors to it. She was having some trouble with her memory and things. she didnt know that I had gone to camp and come home, despite the letters i had written to her while I was gone. She died the first weekend I was in college. I remember I had no clothes suitable for a funeral at my parents (since I had just moved) and I had to borrow a dress from my cousin. I remember my dad had to buy a new suit, because his no longer fit. I miss her. I miss her cooking. You could be at her house on a monday and at 5pm the table was covered! I always ate well when I was there. She made a chocolate cake with white icing with pecans in icing. how i miss that cake.
In 1992 also in August, I think the 23rd, my Aunt Ollie died. She was like a grandmother to Karen, Paul and myself. Our grandparents died before we were born, so her and Uncle Steve stepped in and filled those shoes. Her birthday was on Halloween, and mom and Aunt Dottie would always take us over to her house for cake when we were small. We would wear our Halloween costumes. She had colon cancer and we had seen her not long before she passed away. She was at her house in her bedroom and her daughter was there. I remember talking to her, and she looked at me like she knew me. Her daughter called the house in the early morning. I again did not wake up, but my mom told me the next morning and then took me to my grandmothers for the day. I did not attend school that day or the day of the funeral. Small graveside service, I remember that my Uncle Steve wore his cowboy hat. Why I remember that I do not know.
My mom died in August too, and this is a hard month for me. If I can get thru the next 6 days I will be ok!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hang in there. Remember the memories. They are forever with us. I love you!