Thursday, April 3, 2008

I've fought with the devil, got down on his level, i never gave in so he gave up on me....

So, whats new for me? Well, I am single once again. I dont mind it. I can concentrate more on work and things that are important to me. I am headed home this weekend, I am excited about that. It will be nice to see that family, plus my cousin, Will, has his wedding shower this weekend. We got him tools. I mean thats a pratical gift. I just think his fiance is gonna say "they didnt get me anything", and my reply will be "your also not family, not quite yet." I dont think its mean. Honestly, she wont be family until May anyway.
So, I bought a new bed, Laurens cat used my old bed as a litter box, and I am still angry about it. She didnt even offer to replace it. That lit me up. Oh well. I havent had the new bed delivered as I am paying on it. when its paid off in appx 3 paychecks then I will move it in. I got a deal on it, 350 mattress and box spring.
I have decided to recluse myself once my room is clean. Buy a universal remote and use it on my little tv in my bedroom and buy a new computer hopefully soon and just stay in my room. I cant put anything up in the apartment anyway. Oh well.
Things were looking up then they collasped. However, as much as I have wanted to go and drink every night. I went out last weekend and had two drinks (thats all, I promise). I have had the mentality lately that I should just go and get trashed, but at least i am responsible enough to wonder how i would get home if i did that.
I am also looking at buying a townhouse. I like it alot and I think it would be a good chance for me to start over. Maybe eventualy i would meet someone to share the town house with me, not only for the lower payment for me, but because they genuinly wanted to.
Can someone like me ever be happy? Thats the question of the day.

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