Tuesday, September 23, 2008

what is the right opinion?

I am not one to ever really put my opinions out there for everyone to know. Sometimes, things really eat at me and I have to say something. For example, religion.

No one is going to have the same opinion. People are always going to think that they exactly what God is thinking. No one knows what God is thinking. No one knows what I am thinking.

I grew up in the church, and as I have become an adult, now I question everything. I grew up in the Methodist Church. My dad was Baptist, my mom Methodist. The one thing that I dont understand is why Baptist and Methodist have to be so different when they are one in the same. All religion, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Judaism, etc, all have the fundamental belief in God. Judaism does not believe that Jesus was a prophet, he was a man. There is no Christmas and no Easter, instead there is Rosh Hasshana (I spelt that wrong!), and Passover. How is this any different? Aren't they all based on the same premise? I would say so. In every religion you are going to hear that God spoke to Moses thru a burning bush. (If I ever hear a voice from a buring bush, I am gonna be goen so quick!) We all know that story, and we all know about Noah and the Ark.

My question is why debate me on what Leviticus may say about my lifestyle? It bothers me when people judge me and tell me that I am messing up when they have commited adultry or worse. How is one sin different from another? Its not. I honestly do not think that when I die, God is gonna have me standing beside someone who murdered people and let them in and not me. He isnt gonna look at me and say "You had a physical intimate relationship with another woman, so I cant let you in." We are ALL taught in church that God is a forgiving God. Then why as people can we NOT forgive. Will someone explain that to me?

Everything that happens in our lives is directly effected by religion. Someone telling me to have a blessed day, kinda offends me. I understand that you want me to have a good day, but is that not a way to force some religion on someone?

I worked at Camp Don Lee for three years, and I loved every minute of it. It was something I am glad that I did. I learned alot and started to form my own opinion. Camp made me part of the person that I am. I began to question alot of things while I was there.

When it comes to this topic, you are gonna believe what you believe, and I am going to respect it. All i ask is that you do that same in return.

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